會議議程Agenda(Temporary agenda)
The 7th International Indigenous Social Science Conference & The 8th International Indigenous Counseling Psychology Conference
2024 Indigenous Social Science Scholar Award Ceremony
2024 年 10 月 31日(星期四) 至 11 月 2 日(星期六)
October 31 (Thursday) – November 2 (Saturday), 2024
Venue:Institute of Ethnology , Academia Sinica , Taipei, Taiwan
10/31(四) |
11/1(五) |
11/2(六) |
9:00 9:30 |
報到 |
8:00 9:00 |
報到 |
8:00 9:00 |
報到 |
9:30 10:20 |
開幕式 主持人:夏允中(國立高雄師範大學諮商心理與復健諮商研究所教授/中華本土社會科學會理事長/大會主席) 司儀:趙安安(中原大學心理系兼任助理教授) 貴賓: 1.彭信坤(中央研究院人文及社會科學組副院長/中央研究院經濟研究所特聘研究員) 2.張珣(中央研究院民族學研究所專任研究人員兼所長) 3.陳明飛(國立彰化師範大學校長) 4.李嗣涔(國立臺灣大學前任校長) 5.如得法師(福智佛教學院校長/福智僧團副住持) 6.林聰明(佛光山教團系統大學副總校長/南華大學名譽校長/前教育部政務次長/前國立雲林科技大學校長) 7.陳樹(中央投資董事長/前財政部常務次長/中華中道領導文化總會理事長) 8.楊聰榮(中台灣教授協會理事長/國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系副教授) 9.涂喜敏(張老師基金會執行長) 10.紀志隆(台灣心理健康諮詢與員工協助方案協會理事長/雙人企業有限公司董事長) 11.林琦敏(安國宗教基金會董事長) |
9:00 10:40 |
會士論壇 主持人:王智弘(國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系教授兼學務長/中華本土社會科學會輔導理事長/大會執行主席) 主講人: 1.符碧真(國立臺灣大學師資培育中心專任教授/中華本土社會科學會會士) 2.吳美瑤(高雄師範大學教育學系教授/中華本土社會科學會常務理事/亞太道德教育學會前會長) 3.劉淑慧(彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系教授兼華人生涯研究中心主任/中華本土社會科學會常務 監事) |
9:00 10:00 |
思源與會士論壇 主持人:葉光輝(中央研究院民族學研究所研究員/國立臺灣大學心理學系教授/中華本土社會科學會會士) 主講人: 1.Paul T. P. Wong(加拿大塞布魯克大學兼職教授/特倫特大學及西三一大學名譽教授) 2.Louise Sundararajan(美國心理學會本土心理學工作小組創辦人暨主席/美國心理學會會士) 3.林安梧(國立東華大學洄瀾學院榮譽講座教授/國立臺灣師範大學榮休教授/中華本土社會科學會會士) |
10:20 10:30 |
大合照 |
10:30 11:00 |
頒獎典禮 (思源學者、傑出貢獻獎、海外名譽學校心理士獎) 思源學者:金樹人(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系名譽教授) 傑出貢獻獎得獎者: 1.陳明飛(國立彰化師範大學校長) 2.李嗣涔(國立臺灣大學前任校長) 海外名譽學校心理士獎: 王智弘(國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系教授兼學務長/中華本土社會科學會輔導理事長/大會執行主席) |
10:40 11:00 |
休息 |
10:00 10:20 |
休息 |
11:00 12:20 |
思源學者與傑出貢獻獎得獎者致詞談話:我的學思歷程 主持人:夏允中(國立高雄師範大學諮商心理與復健諮商研究所教授/中華本土社會科學會理事長/大會主席) 主講人: 1. 金樹人(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系名譽教授) 2. 陳明飛(國立彰化師範大學校長) 3. 李嗣涔(國立臺灣大學前任校長) |
11:0012:20 |
主題論壇 B 主題論壇 B1:宗教信仰治理的兩岸比較 主持人:丁仁傑 (中央研究院民族學研究所研究員兼副所長) 主題論壇 B2:生命意義的本土諮商探索 主持人:張淑美(國立高雄師範大學教育系教授) 主題論壇 B3:佛法智慧的心理學理論建構(1) 主持人:夏允中(國立高雄師範大學諮商心理與復健諮商研究所教授) 主題論壇 B4:本土諮商心理學的延伸應用 主持人:張家群(高師大諮商輔導與復健諮商研究所博士後研究員) |
10:4012:00 |
主題論壇 F 主題論壇 F1:本土諮商心理學與心理健康 主持人:王智弘(國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系教授兼學生事務長) 主題論壇 F2:文化與管理(1):儒道思想與經濟發展 主持人:周佳敏(國立臺灣師範大學管理學院管理研究所助理教授) 主題論壇 F3:王道思想與兩岸和平論壇 主持人:陳復(國立宜蘭大學博雅學部教授) 主題論壇 F4:馬來西亞學者線上論壇 主持人:陳如湘(馬來西亞工藝大學教育學院輔導與諮商系高級講師) |
12:20 13:30 |
午餐 (壁報投稿展覽+評審) |
12:20 13:30 |
午餐 (壁報投稿展覽+評審) |
12:00 13:30 |
午餐 (壁報投稿展覽+評審) |
13:30 15:00 |
思源與會士論壇:葉啟政師與王邦雄師現場專講 主持人:越建東(國立中山大學哲學研究所教授兼所長/中華本土社會科學會前理事長) 與談人: 1.葉啟政(國立臺灣大學社會學系榮休教授/思源學者) 2.王邦雄(淡江大學中文系榮譽教授/思源學者) |
13:30 14:50 |
主題論壇 C 主題論壇 C1:黃光國國家講座教授論文獎學金得獎者報告-博士碩士組 主持人:許書瑋(國立政治大學企業管理學系副教授) 主題論壇 C2:含攝文化與跨文化的生死學與生死教育 主持人:張淑美(國立高雄師範大學教育系教授) 主題論壇 C3:八識佛法修行之探討 主持人:王智弘(國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系教授兼學生事務長) 主題論壇 C4:宗教與歷史的跨域對話 主持人:吳素真(佛光大學外國語文學系教授) |
13:30 14:50 |
主題論壇 G 主題論壇 G1:本土交通管理:理論建構與實徵研究 主持人:梁竣凱(玄奘大學應用心理系助理教授) 主題論壇 G2:孫文思想與社會科學的本土化 主持人:陳復(國立宜蘭大學博雅學部教授) 主題論壇 G3:定靜工夫實踐與應用 主持人:黃崇修(國立中央大學哲學研究所特聘教授) 主題論壇 G4:禪宗。身心靈整合療育與科學的對話 主持人:王明雯(台東大學特殊教育學系教授) |
15:00 15:30 |
茶會與交流(壁報投稿展覽+評審) |
15:30 16:50 |
主題論壇A 主題論壇A1:佛法應用之開展 主持人:如得法師(福智佛教學院校長/福智僧團副住持) 主題論壇A2:基督教研究的在地化與全球化 主持人:高晨揚 (中央研究院民族學研究所副研究員) 主題論壇A3:中日兒童輔導系統 主持人:岡田守弘(横濱國立大學名譽教授、東京醫療學院大學理事長兼教授) 山谷敬三郎(北翔大學理事長兼教授、日本學校心理士會會長) 主題論壇A4:幽默的理解與創造之機制及其個別差異之腦科學研究 主持人:陳學志 (國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系特聘教授) |
15:30 16:50 |
主題論壇 D 主題論壇 D1:佛法智慧的心理學理論建構(2) 主持人:張蘭石(國立東華大學縱谷跨域書院學士學位學程副教授) 主題論壇 D2:陽明心學與社會科學的本土化 主持人:陳復(國立宜蘭大學博雅學部教授) 主題論壇 D3:世界華語教學論壇 主持人:余伯泉(遠東科技大學副校長) 主題論壇 D4:易經於心理治療中的應用 主持人:林俊德(台中科技大學通識教育中心教授兼職涯及諮商輔導中心主任/中華本土社會科學會常務理事) |
15:30 16:50 |
主題論壇 H 主題論壇 H1:心理治療的本土化(二) 主持人:盧怡任(國立陽明交通大學教育研究所副教授) 主題論壇 H2:本體論與知識論 主持人:陳舜文(國立清華大學教育心理與諮商學系副教授) 主題論壇 H3:儒釋道的本土化 主持人:李岳庭(國立台南大學諮商與輔導學系副教授) 主題論壇 H4:本土美學、空間與飲食 主持人:林之丞(國立高雄科技大學海洋事務研究中心副研究員) |
17:00 |
第一日會議結束 |
17:00 18:20 |
主題論壇 E 主題論壇 E1:黃光國國家講座教授論文獎學金得獎者報告-博士碩士組 主持人:羅家玲(彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系教授兼系主任) 主題論壇 E2:心理治療的本土化(一) 主持人:曾貝露(國立高雄師範大學教育學系專任助理教授) 主題論壇 E3:心理學的本土化 主持人:趙安安(中原大學心理系兼任助理教授) |
16:5017:20 |
閉幕式 主持人:夏允中(國立高雄師範大學諮商心理與復健諮商研究所教授/中華本土社會科學會理事長/大會主席) 司儀:趙安安(中原大學心理系兼任助理教授) 會士頒獎典禮 黃光國國家講座教授論文獎學金頒獎典禮 投稿壁報頒獎典禮 |
18:30 |
第二日會議結束 |
17:30 |
快樂賦歸 |
10/31(Thurs.) |
11/1(Fri.) |
11/2(Sat.) |
9:00 9:30 |
Registration |
8:00 9:00 |
Registration |
8:00 9:00 |
Registration |
9:30 10:20 |
Open Ceremony Moderator: Yung-Jung Shiah (Professor, Graduate Institute of Counseling Psychology and Rehabilitation Counseling, National Kaohsiung Normal University/ President, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association/Conference Chairman) Distinguished Guest: 1. Vice President Hsin-Kun Peng (Vice President of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica/ Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica) 2. Hsun Chang (Full-time Researcher and Director of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica) 3. Ming-Fei Chen (President of National Changhua University of Education) 4. Si-Chen Lee (Former President of National Taiwan University) 5. Venerable Ru De (President of Fu Chi Buddhist Institute/Vice Abbot of Fu Chi Sangha) 6. Cong-Ming Lin (Vice President of the University System of Fo Guang Shan/Former Political Deputy Minister of Education/Former President of Nanhua University/Former President of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology) 7. Shu Chen (Current Chairman of Central Investment Corporation / Former Deputy Minister of Finance / Chairman of the Chinese Zhongdao Leadership Culture Association) 8. Tsung-Rong Yang (President of the Central Taiwan Professors Association) 9. Hsi-Min Tu (CEO of Teacher Chang Foundation) 10. Chih-Lung Chi (Chairman of Employee Assistance Program Information Net) |
9:00 10:40 |
Fellow Forum:(Under Construction) Moderator: Chih-Hung Wang (Professor of the Department of Guidance and Counseling and Dean of Student Affairs, National Changhua University of Education / Founding President of the Chinese Indigenous Social Sciences Association / Executive Chairman of the Conference) Speaker: 1. Kuang-Hui Yeh (Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica/ Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University/ Fellow, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association) 2. An-Wu Lin (Honor Chair Professor, College of Huilan, Dong Hwa University/ Emeritus Professor, Department of Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University/ Dean of Yuan Heng College/ Indigenous Social Science Fellow, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association) 3. Tony Szu-Hsien Lee (Distinguished Professor, Department of Health Promotion and Education, National Taiwan Normal University/ Visiting Professor of Medicine, Yale University/ Indigenous Social Science Fellow, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association) 4. Bih-Jen Fwu (Professor, Center for Teacher Education, National Taiwan University./Indigenous Social Science Fellow, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association) 5. Mei-Yao Wu (Professor of the Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University/Executive Director of the Association of Chinese Indigenous Social Sciences/Former President of the Asia-Pacific Association for Moral Education) 6. Shu-Hui Liu (Professor of the Department of Guidance and Counseling, National Changhua University of Education/Director of the Center for Chinese Career Research/Executive Supervisor of the Association of Chinese Indigenous Social Sciences) |
9:00 10:00 |
Siyuan Forum:(Under Construction) Moderator: Kuang-Hui Yeh (Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica/ Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University/ Fellow, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association) Speaker: 1.Paul T. P. Wong (Adjunct Professor, Saybrook University/ Honorary Professor at Trent University and Western Trinity University/ Indigenous Social Science Scholar, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association) 2.Louise Sundararajan (The Founder and Chair of Task Force on Indigenous Psychology/Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA)) |
10:20 10:30 |
Group photo |
10:40 11:00 |
Break |
10:00 10:20 |
Break |
10:30 11:00 |
Award Ceremony Indigenous Social Science Scholar Winner: Shuh-Ren Jin (Honorary Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling) Honorary International School Psychologist Award: 1.Ming-Fei Chen (President of National Changhua University of Education) 2.Si-Chen Lee (Former President of National Taiwan University) Honorary International School Psychologist Award: Chih-Hung Wang (Professor of the Department of Guidance and Counseling and Dean of Student Affairs, National Changhua University of Education / Founding President of the Chinese Indigenous Social Sciences Association / Executive Chairman of the Conference) |
11:00 12:20 |
A Speech by the Indigenous Social Science Scholar and Awardee of Outstanding Contribution Award: My Journey of Academic Thinking and Learning Moderator: Yung-Jung Shiah (Professor, Graduate Institute of Counseling Psychology and Rehabilitation Counseling, National Kaohsiung Normal University/ President, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association/Conference Chairman) Speaker: 1. Shuh-Ren Jin (Honorary Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling) 2. Ming-Fei Chen (President of National Changhua University of Education) 3. Si-Chen Lee (Former President of National Taiwan University) |
11:00 12:20 |
Forum B Forum B1: Cross-Strait Comparison of Religious Governance Moderator: Jen-Chieh Ting (Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica) Forum B2: Exploring the Meaning of Life through Indigenous Psychology Moderator: Shu-Mei Chang (Professor of the Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University) Forum B3: Zen: The Dialogue Between Mind-Body-Spirit Integrated Healing and Science Moderator: Yung-Jong Shiah (Professor of the Graduate Institute of Counseling Psychology and Rehabilitation Counseling, National Kaohsiung Normal University) Forum B4: Extended Applications of Indigenous Counseling Psychology Moderator: Chia-Chun Chang (Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Work, Meiho University) |
10:40 12:00 |
Forum E Forum E1: Indigenous Counseling Psychology Moderator: Chih-Hung Wang (Professor of the Department of Guidance and Counseling, National Changhua University of Education/Dean of Student Affairs) Forum E2: Culture and Management (1): Confucian and Daoist Thought and Economic Development Moderator: Sophia Chou (Assistant Professor of the Graduate Institute of Management, College of Management, National Taiwan Normal University) Forum E3: Wangdao Thought and Cross-Strait Peace Forum Moderator: Fu Chen (Professor, School of Liberal Arts, National Ilan University) Forum E4: Malaysia Online Forum Moderator: Joo-Siang Tan (Senior Lecturer of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) |
12:20 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 15:00 |
Siyuan Forum: On-site Lectures by Master Chi-Cheng Yeh and Master Pang-Hsiung Wang: Moderator: Kin-Tung Yit (Professor, Graduate Institute of Philosophy, National Sun Yat Sen University/ former President, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association) Speaker: 1. Chi-Jeng Yeh (Retired Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University/ Indigenous Social Science Scholar, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association) 2. Bang-Xiong Wang (Honorary Professor, Department of Chinese, Tamkang University/ Indigenous Social Science Scholar, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association |
13:30 14:50 |
Forum C Forum C1: Report by the Recipient of the Huang Kuang-Kuo National Chair Professorship Dissertation Scholarship Moderator: Shu-Wei Hsu (Associate Professor of the Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University) Forum C2: Life and Death Studies and Education with Cultural and Cross-Cultural Perspectives Moderator: Shu-Mei Chang (Professor of the Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University) Forum C3: Indigenous Counseling Moderator: Chih-Hung Wang (Professor of the Department of Guidance and Counseling, National Changhua University of Education/Dean of Student Affairs) Forum C4 :Interdisciplinary Dialogue between Religion and History Moderator: Su-chen Wu (Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fo Guang University) |
13:00 14:50 |
Forum F Forum F1: Local Traffic Management: Theoretical Construction and Empirical Research Moderator: Jyun-Kai Liang (Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Psychology, Hsuan Chuang University) Forum F2:The Confucian Concept of Self, View of Duty, and Learning Forum F3: The Practice and Application of the Dingjing Gongfu Moderator: Fu Chen (Dean of Hualien College and Director of the Interdisciplinary Valley College Bachelor's Program, National Dong Hwa University) Forum F4: Zen: Dialogue Between Body-Mind-Spirit Integrative Therapy and Science Moderator: Ming-Wen Wang (Professor of the Department of Special Education, Taitung University) |
15:00 15:30 |
Tea Gathering and Exchange (Poster Submission Exhibition + Judging) |
15:30 16:50 |
Forum A Forum A1:The Development of the Application of Buddhist Teachings Moderator:Venerable Ru De (President of Fu Chi Buddhist Institute/Vice Abbot of Fu Chi Sangha) Forum A2:Localization and Globalization of Christian Studies Moderator: Chen-Yang Kao (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica) Forum A3:Japanese and Taiwanese Child Counseling System/ Exchange Dialogue between Japanese and Taiwanese Counselors1. Moderator: Toshinori Ishikuma (Professor and Director of the Graduate School of Psychology, Tokyo Seitoku University) Forum A4: The Mechanisms of Humor: Comprehension, Creation, and Individual Differences in the Context of Neuroscience Moderator: Hsueh-Chih Chen (Distinguished Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Taiwan Normal University) |
15:30 16:50 |
Forum D Forum D1: Constructing Psychological Theories Based on Buddhist Wisdom (2) Moderator: Orchid-Stone Chang (Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary College Bachelor's Program, National Dong Hwa University) Forum D2: Yangming Confucianism and the Localization of Social Sciences Moderator: Fu Chen (Dean of Hualien College and Director of the Interdisciplinary Valley College Bachelor's Program, National Dong Hwa University) Forum D3: World Chinese Language Teaching Forum Moderator: Bo-Cyuan Yu (Vice President, Far East University) Forum D4: The Application of the I-Ching in Psychotherapy Moderator: Jiun-De Lin (Professor at the General Education Center, National Taichung University of Science and Technology) |
15:30 16:50 |
Forum G Forum G1: Exploring the Depths of Human Spirit and Care: The Multidimensional Intersection of Moral Reasoning, Cultural Heritage, and Self-Identity Moderator: Yi-Ren Lu (Associate Professor, Institute of Education, National Chiao Tung University) Forum G2: Integrating Spiritual Wisdom and Humanism in Ecological and Social Sciences Moderator: Shun-Wen Chen (Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, National Tsing Hua University) Forum G3: The Future and Prospects of Indigenous Psychology Moderator: Yueh-Ting Lee (Associate Professor, Department of Counseling and Guidance, National Tainan University) Forum G4: Challenges and Solutions for Indigenous Social Sciences in the New Generation Moderator: Chih-Cheng Lin (Assistant Research Fellow, Center for Ocean Affairs, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology) |
17:00 |
End of Day 1 Conference |
17:00 |
End of Day 2 Conference |
16:50 17:20 |
Closing ceremony Moderator: Yung-Jung Shiah (Professor, Graduate Institute of Counseling Psychology and Rehabilitation Counseling, National Kaohsiung Normal University/ President, Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association/Conference Chairman)
Fellowship Award Ceremony Kwang-Kuo Hwang National Chair Professor Dissertation Scholarship Award Ceremony |
17:30 |
Farewell |
New Era of Indigenous Social Sciences: Cultural Exchange and World Peace
The 7th International Indigenous Social Science Conference & The 8th International Indigenous Counseling Psychology Conference
2024 Indigenous Social Science Scholar Award Ceremony
2024年10月31日(星期四)至11月2日(星期六) October 31 (Thursday) – November 2 (Saturday), 2024
Institute of Ethnology , Academia Sinica , Taipei, Taiwan
You can refer to the following link
Summary of contributions to each forum: