2024第七屆社會科學本土化學術研討會暨第八屆本土諮商心理學學術研討會徵稿啟事 Call For Papers
The 7th International Indigenous Social Science Conference & The 8th International Indigenous Counseling Psychology Conference
Call for Papers
本次研討會主題為「本土社會科學新紀元:文化交流與世界和平」。社會科學本土化的研究目標包含外學引入的在地化、文化融合的本土化,以及文化繼承的本土化。本研討會將邀請國內外關心社會科學本土化的學者共同參與,擬邀稿的學術領域包括社會學與社會工作、心理學、哲學、教育學、管理學、通識教育、人文學與文學、醫學教育、性別研究、文化研究、傳播學、政治學、經濟學、資訊教育、藝術學、科學教育、歷史學、法律學、區域研究及地理、人類學與族群研究、語言學,以及其他跨領域學科。欲透過跨領域的對話與研究,激盪本土社會科學及本土諮商心理學學術研究與推進之創新發想,將台灣在亞洲推進本土研究的能量與影響力擴延至世界,共謀國際本土社會科學本土諮商心理學研究的新紀元(New Era of Indigenous Social Sciences)。凡以社會科學本土化為主題之理論發展、實徵研究與實務論文,均歡迎投稿。
1. 含攝文化下的社會本土科學發展進路
2. 跨領域學門之本土化理論與實務建構
3. 深化社會科學本土化的理論建構與研究
4. 推進華人社會科學本土化的回顧與前瞻
5. 華人本土諮商心理學的理論與實務建構
6. 亞洲地區社會科學本土化的現況與展望
7. 亞洲地區本土諮商心理學的理論與實務建構
8. 亞洲推動社會科學本土化經驗的國際連結與展望
9. 本土社會科學學術研究與實務推動的效應與反思
10. 國際本土社會科學學術社群的連結與推進新視野
社會學與社會工作 心理學 哲學
教育學 管理學 通識教育
人文學與文學 醫學教育 性別研究
文化研究 傳播學 政治學
經濟學 資訊教育 藝術學
科學教育 歷史學 法律學
區域研究及地理 人類學與族群研究 語言學
1. 摘要電子檔(檔案命名:論文題目_綱要_作者全名),請見摘要格式。
2. 投稿者請將摘要與論文投稿作者基本資料表Word檔傳送至研討會專屬信箱:[email protected]。郵件主旨為「2024研討會論文摘要投稿_作者全名」。
Professors, master and doctoral students and related academic researchers in colleges, universities and research institutes at home and abroad
The theme of this conference is "New Era of Indigenous Social Sciences: Cultural Exchange and World Peace ". The research objectives of social science indigenization include the localization of foreign knowledge, cultural integration and cultural inheritance. We will invite the scholars who are concerned about the localization of social sciences at home and abroad to participate in this conference. The academic fields include sociology and social work, psychology, philosophy, education, management, general education, humanities and literature, medical education, gender studies, cultural studies, communication, political science, economics, information education, arts, science education, history, law, area studies and geography, anthropology and ethnic studies, linguistics, and other transnational domain disciplines. We’d like to stimulate the innovative ideas for academic research and promotion of indigenous social sciences and local counseling psychology through interdisciplinary dialogue and research, to extend Taiwan's energy and influence in promoting local research in Asia to the world, and to seek New Era of Indigenous Social Sciences and Indigenous counseling psychology research. All theoretical development, empirical research and practical papers on the theme of social science localization are welcomed to submit.
The discussion of the research is expected to include:
1. The approach to the development of Indigenous Social Science under the Containing Culture
2. Localization theory and construction of practices of interdisciplinary disciplines
3. Deepening the theoretical construction and research on localization of social sciences
4. Promoting the review and prospect of Localization of Chinese Social Sciences
5. Theory and practices construction of Chinese Indigenous Counseling Psychology
6. Current situation and prospect of Localization of Social Sciences in Asia
7. Theory and practices construction of Indigenous Counseling Psychology in Asia
8. International connections and prospects of Asia's experience in promoting Localization of Social Sciences
9. Effects and reflections of promotion of Indigenous Social Science’s academic research and practice
10. Linking and Promoting New Visions of the International Indigenous Social Science Academic Community
We welcome scholars and experts in the following fields to participate:
Sociology and Social Work Psychology Philosophy
Education Management General Education
Humanities and Letters Medical Education Gender Studies
Cultural Studies Communication Studies Political Science
Economics Information Education Arts
Science Education History Law
Area Studies and Geography Anthropology and Ethnic Studies Linguistics
Other Interdisciplinary Disciplines
The conference is seeking original papers on the topic that have not been presented or published in other conference, online or otherwise.
We accept 2 forms of report, oral research presentation and research poster. Contributors are requested to indicate the form of paper report they want to participate in when submitting the abstract. The organizer will adjust the theme of the session and the number of papers included according to the conference agenda.
The session of oral research presentations in total is 90 minutes, allowing the discussion and interaction between the reporters and the participants, 15 minutes for each reporter. Projectors and screens will be provided during the session, and other equipment must be prepared by the reporters themselves if needed.
Presentation time of research poster will be at noon on November 1 and November 2, 2024.
Abstract review:
Publish forms of this conference include oral presentation in Chinese and English and publication of research poster. The abstract should include the research purpose, research methods, research results, discussion, and recommendations. 600-1000 words for a Chinese abstract, written in traditional Chinese; 400-600 words for an English abstract, 3-5 keywords each in Chinese and English. Please indicate the format of the presentation.
Submission date:
Please submit abstracts in Chinese and English before September 30th, 2024.
Submission method:
1. Electronic abstract file (name of the file: title_outline_full name of the author), please refer to the format of the abstract.
2. Please send the Word file (.DOC format) of the abstract and the author’s basic information sheet to the conference’s exclusive email address: [email protected]. The subject of the email should be "2024 Research on Localization of Social Sciences" Research paper abstract submission_full name of the author".
Results of the review:
We expect to inform the contributors the results of the abstract review on October 15,2024.
Conference time:
Dates: October 31 (Thursday) – November 2 (Saturday), 2024
Conference venue:
Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan