報名資訊 Registration Information
壹、線上報名網站: https://forms.gle/EA8mQ92QpLNGzbh79
1. Online registration website: https://forms.gle/EA8mQ92QpLNGzbh79
2. Since scholars from Mainland China are not allowed to come to Taiwan for academic exchanges this year, if you are a scholar from Mainland China, you can attend the meeting in the form of an online conference or handle matters related to entering Taiwan under other names. If you originally registered as an entity, please send us a letter to inform us that you want to switch to an online conference or cancel your registration, so that you can be notified of relevant information about participation and payment. Thank you.
參、實體與會(entity participation)
一、完整活動日期為2024年 10月 31 日(四)起至2024年 11月 2 日(六)止,竟請參閱議程或行前通知函並留意報到時間。境外參與者請實體與會。
The complete event date is from October 31, 2024 (Thursday) to November 2, 2024 (Saturday). Please refer to the agenda or pre-departure notification letter and pay attention to the check-in time. We respectfully request participants from abroad to attend the conference in person.
The registration fee and lunch fee can be paid on-site at the registration desk. Please refer to the following payment information:
1. 10/31(四)至11/02(六) 學術研討會
Academic conference from 10/31 (Thursday) to 11/02 (Saturday).
(1)中華本土社會科學會會員、協辦單位邀請者 免費
CISSA member、invited members of co-organizers Free
(2)大陸和台灣學者、研究人員、實務工作者、社會人士等 2000元新台幣
Non-students from People's Republic of China and Taiwan NT$ 2000
(3)大陸和台灣學生 800元新台幣
Students from People's Republic of China and Taiwan NT$ 800
(4) 境外學者、研究人員、實務工作者、社會人士...等等 4000元新台幣
Foreign non-students NT$ 4000
(5) 境外學生 2000元新台幣
Foreign students NT$ 2000
2. 說明:
(1) 會議費用包含手冊印製、茶點準備、會場布置、講師出席與接待等相關費用。
The registration fee includes expenses related to handbook printing, refreshment preparation, venue setup, speaker attendance, and reception.
(2) 具免費身分時請事先上傳或現場出具相關證明文件。
When claiming free admission, please upload relevant proof documents in advance or present them on-site.
1. 報名地點均位於中央研究院民族學研究所一樓入口處,報到處櫃檯分貴賓(含主持人/評論人/受邀講者)、會員(中華本土社會科學會)、壁報與口頭投稿者、與會人員,屆時請到適合之櫃台辦理報到並領取名牌、會議資料後再行入座。為免耽誤研討會開始時間,請各位夥伴準時入場,協助研討會進行。
Registration desks will be located at the entrance of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. Desks will be categorized for VIPs (including moderators/commentators/invited speakers), members (Taiwan Association for Social Sciences), poster and oral presenters, and attendees. Please proceed to the appropriate desk for registration, collect your name tag and conference materials, and then take your seat. To ensure the smooth commencement of the conference, please arrive on time and assist in the orderly proceedings.
2. 本次研討會備有飲食,若您為素食者或不用餐,還煩請來信([email protected])告知。
Meals will be provided during the conference. If you are a vegetarian or do not require meals, please inform us via email ([email protected]).
3. 研討會進行期間,為尊重主講者及參與夥伴,請將手機關機或改為靜音。未經主辦單位同意,研討會期間請勿錄音、錄影。活動三日完成簽到退者,大會將發給研習證書,請各位夥伴確實親自簽到,以利工作人員準備。
During the conference, please switch off or set your mobile phones to silent mode out of respect for the speakers and fellow participants. Recording, either audio or video, during the conference is strictly prohibited without prior consent from the organizers. Participants who complete the sign-in process throughout the three-day event will receive a participation certificate. Kindly ensure that you personally sign in to facilitate the administrative process.
The transportation information is as follows, please refer to it.
中央研究院 民族學研究所 位置圖
Address: | No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.) |
Transportation: |
民族學研究所 位置圖
本圖片與資料來源 擷取自中央研究院民族學研究所官網
The image and information are extracted from the official website of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
肆、線上參與(Online Participation):
將使用Cisco Webex Meetings、Google Meet進行線上會議,會議連結將於10/30(三)確認繳費完成後發送。
We will be using Cisco Webex Meetings and Google Meet for online conferences. The meeting links will be sent out after payment confirmation on October 30th (Wednesday).
Thank you for your participation, and we look forward to meeting you.
中華本土社會科學會 敬上
Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association
Respectfully yours.