張勻銘 Yun-Ming Chang
Yun-Ming Chang
Current post: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, School of Educational Science, Minnan Normal University
Education: PhD, Department of Counseling and Counseling, National Changhua Normal University
Experience: I. Teaching experience Assistant professor in the Department of Psychology of Asian University (2016.02-2016.07) 2. Research experience Foreign research experience Postdoctoral researcher visiting scholar (2016.10-2017.10) at Boston Children's Hospital (Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital) Name of the Painting: Cross-cultural Study of the Adolescent Internet Addiction Risk Factor Scale 2. Research Unit: The Center on Media and Child Health 3. Affiliation: Boston Children's Hospital
Email: yunm055@qq.com
For more details about the research, please refer to the website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yun-Ming-Chang