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向黃光國教授致敬:新書《超越與實在:牟宗三的科學觀》發表會黃光國教授生前深入探討新儒學大師牟宗三的學術觀點,並撰寫了《超越與實在:牟宗三的科學觀》。該書現已整理完畢,即將出版。當牟宗三遇到黃光國,兩位大師交鋒,會激起什麼樣的火花呢?9月21日(六)下午2:00至5:00,國立臺灣大學博雅教學館102大教室將舉辦新書發表會。活動由黃教授的知交與學生聯合舉辦,並邀請多位學者參與討論,現場將贈送150本新書。本次活動由志聖集團董事長梁茂生贊助支持。詳情與報名請見:https://forms.gle/azA6c4L8BgWBXwiz5 |
The 7th International Indigenous Social Science Conference & The 8th International Indigenous Counseling Psychology Conference are now open for registration! 研討會徵稿開放中! 快來為學術研究作一份貢獻吧。(別猶豫太久~徵稿期限到8/31喔!) http://cissa.heart.net.tw/index.php?action=view_sub&show_mem_no=1710663230 Call for papers is currently underway! Come and contribute to academic research. (Don't hesitate too long~ the submission deadline is August 31!) 報名表單在這裡 Registration form can be found here: https://forms.gle/EA8mQ92QpLNGzbh79 |
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恭喜本會理事盧怡任老師(國立交通大學教育研究所)升等副教授! |
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恭賀本會王智弘創會及輔導理事長榮任國立彰化師範大學學生事務處學務長! 澤被三臺 陶鑄群英 |
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本會理事長夏允中教授被委任超現代台灣學研究中心執行長,此中心由傑出的企業家林金源先生(台灣超現代公民行動聯盟創會理事長)成立,主要目標為推動學術實踐計畫,以增進社會福祉與邁進世界大同。 2024/01/06 |
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感恩志聖工業梁茂生董事長,非常認同本學會即將設立的「黃光國教授論文獎學金」,鼓勵年輕學人從事本土社會科學,利益眾人的研究,董事長決定捐出50萬來支持學會的理念,並指定給慧炬機構來捐出,也結合兩個機構的緣份,真的非常有心,非常感謝。 2023/12/23
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2023/11/10 |
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敬賀越建東老師、濮世緯老師、黃漢忠老師、許玉容老師、邊瑞芬老師 等五位師長,申請由個人會員轉為永久會員,支持會務永續發展! 2023/11/06 |
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敬賀簡成熙老師2023/11/05理監事會議通過成為本學會永久會員! 2023/11/05 |
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敬賀黃楸萍老師2023/08/19理監事會議通過成為本學會永久會員! 2023/08/20 |
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第六屆社會科學本土化學術研討會暨第七屆本土諮商心理學學術研討會 The 6th International Indigenous Social Science Conference & The 7th International Indigenous Counseling Psychology Conference 第四屆思源學者頒獎典禮/黃光國榮譽理事長追思研討會
有關黃光國教授之相關追思最新公告請點擊 Please click below for the latest announcement about Professor Hwang, Kwang Kuo's memorial events. 紀念黃光國教授專區或以下網址 Commemorate Memorial area for Professor Hwang, Kwang Kuo or the following website address. http://cissa.heart.net.tw/index.php?action=view_content&show_mem_no=1690730422 敬悼 本會榮譽理事長與思源學者黃光國教授 敬告學界先進與各方賢達人士: 我們以沉重、不捨與感恩的心情,向大家報告,我們敬愛的華人本土社會科學之父黃光國教授,已於民國一一二年七月三十日星期日凌晨五點在睡眠中辭世,享壽七十八歲。黃光國教授是享譽海內外的著名心理學家,曾任台大心理系榮譽教授、國家講座教授、國策顧問,一生秉持學者的良心,關懷國家之政治與教育發展,學術與時論著述不輟,堅持推動社會科學本土化與文化中國的理想,從探討本土心理學到發展修養心理學,提倡建構含攝文化的社會科學理論,進而倡導成立中華本土社會科學會,獲學人共同推舉擔任榮譽理事長與思源學者,其積極耕耘心理學與社會科學本土化的議題,鼓勵並指導學界後進與青年學子從事學術研究工作,其學術貢獻長期蜚聲國際,獲得舉世的高度推崇。黃光國教授樹立的典範永誌我們心中不忘,中華本土社會科學會將於近日成立治喪委員會,慎重辦理黃光國教授治喪事宜,謹此公布各界周知。 中華本土社會科學會全體敬悼 Condolences to Professor Kwang-Kuo Hwang, Honorary President of the Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association and Indigenous Social Science Scholar Respect to the advanced people in various academic circles and the kind-hearted people in various fields: With a heavy, sad, and grateful heart, we report to you that our beloved father of Chinese indigenous social sciences, Professor Kwang-Kuo Hwang, passed away in his sleep at 5:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 30, 2023, at the age of 78. Professor Kwang-Kuo Hwang is a well-known psychologist at home and abroad. He was an honorary professor of the Department of Psychology of National Taiwan University, a national chair professor, and a national policy advisor. Promoting the indigenization of social science and the ideal of cultural China, from exploring indigenous psychology to developing self-cultivation psychology, advocating the construction of culture-inclusive social science theories, and then advocating the establishment of the Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association, which scholars jointly elected as the honorary president and Indigenous Social Science Scholar, who actively cultivates the indigenization of psychology and social sciences, encourages and guides academically junior and young students to engage in academic research work, and his academic contributions have long been known internationally and are highly respected worldwide. We will never forget the example set by Professor Kwang-Kuo Hwang. The Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association will set up a funeral committee in the near future to carefully handle the funeral of Professor Kwang-Kuo Hwang. We want to announce it to everyone. Condolences from the Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association. |
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敬賀 本學會2023/02/24理監事聯席會議通過敦請創會理事長王智弘教授擔任「輔導理事長」,協助學會會務之推動與諮詢。 2023/02/25 |
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敬賀 盧怡任老師申請由個人會員轉為終身會員,經2023/02/24理監事聯席會議通過! 敬賀 張家群老師、游國龍老師經2023/02/24理監事聯席會議通過成為本學會終身會員! 2023/02/25 |