2020 Fellow of Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association
Winers of 2020 Fellow of Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association
葉光輝Kuang-Hui Yeh |
葉光輝教授,國立台灣大學心理學博士,曾任中央研究院民族學研究所副所長、行政院科技部心理學門召集人、中華心理衛生學刊主編;現任中央研究院民族學研究所研究員、國立台灣大學心理學系合聘教授、宏恩基督教學院榮譽教授、台灣心理學會理事長。 葉光輝教授專長為性格及本土心理學;研究課題包括華人孝道及代間交換行為、自主性發展、情緒調節、社會化歷程、親子衝突與轉化,以及高齡社會的家庭調適等。著有《中國人的孝道:心理學的分析》、《從親子互動脈絡看華人性格的養成》;主編《家庭心理學:系統思維觀點的探討與應用》、《情感、情緒與文化:台灣社會的文化心理研究》、《華人的心理與行為:全球化脈絡下的研究反思》、《華人家庭、代間關係與群際認同》、《 Asian Indigenous Psychologies in the Global Context》、《Global Psychology from Indigenous Perspectives: Visions Inspired by K. S. Yang》等專書。近15年間進一步提出三項原創理論-「孝道雙元」、「雙元自主性」及「親子衝突歷程」模型,對本土社會行為及人文科學有極為重大的貢獻。 |
Professor Ye Kuanghui, Ph.D in Psychology from National Taiwan University, was the deputy director of the Institute of Ethnology of the Academia Sinica, the convener of the Department of Psychology of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Executive Yuan, and the editor-in-chief of the Chinese Journal of Mental Health. He is currently a researcher at the Institute of Ethnology of the Academia Sinica, co-employed professor of the Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University. He is also the honorary Professor of the School of Psychology at Hong Kong Gratia Christian College, and Chairman of the Taiwan Psychological Association. Professor Ye specializes in psychology of personality and indigenization; his research topics include Chinese filial piety and intergenerational exchange behavior, autonomous development, emotional regulation, socialization process, parent-child conflict and transformation, and family adjustment in the aging society. He is the author of “Chinese Filial Piety: Psychological Analysis”, “The Development of Chinese Characters from the Perspective of Parent-Child Interaction” ; Editor-in-Chief “Family Psychology: Exploration and Application of System Thinking Viewpoints”, “Emotions, Emotions and Culture: Taiwanese Society”, “The Study of Cultural Psychology”, “Chinese Psychology and Behavior: Research Reflections in the Context of Globalization”, “Asian Indigenous Psychologies in the Global Context”, “Global Psychology from Indigenous Perspectives: Visions Inspired by K. S. Yang” and other monographic series. In the past 15 years, he has further proposed three original theories-“Dual Filial Piety”, “Dual Independence” and “Parent-Child Conflict Course” models, which have made extremely significant contributions to indigenous social behavior and humanity sciences. |
林安梧An-Wu Lin |
台灣大學第一位哲學博士,著名哲學家、宗教學家。先後擔任台灣清華大學教授暨通識教育中心主任、台灣師範大學教授,慈濟大學宗教與人文研究所所長,慈濟大學宗教與人文研究所教授、元亨書院院長、台灣慈濟大學人文社會科學院院長、山東大學儒家文明協同創新中心傑出海外訪問學者及儒學高等研究院客座教授,山東大學易學及中國古代哲學研究中心特聘教授。 林安梧教授對於儒家及新儒家有著極為專業的研究,發展出許多對新儒家的獨到觀點,並關注儒學的現代適應性問題,不斷深研哲學治療學之可能;除了研究外,在推動民間書院講學之風也不遺餘力,曾以普通話及閩南語開講《四書》《金剛經》《易經》《道德經》等,並深入探討臺灣儒、釋、道文化之繼承與發展,在中華文化的保留及傳承有著舉足輕重的地位。 |
The first Ph.D. in Taiwan, a famous philosopher and religious scientist, An-Wu Lin, served as Professor and Director of the General Education Center of Tsinghua University in Taiwan, Professor of National Taiwan Normal University, Director of the Institute of Religion and Humanities of Tzu Chi University, Professor of the Institute of Religion and Humanities of Tzu Chi University, Dean of Yuanheng Academy, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tzu Chi University of Taiwan, Distinguished Overseas Visiting Scholar of the Center for Collaborative Innovation of Confucian Civilization of Shandong University and Visiting Professor of the Institute of Confucian Studies, and Special Professor of the Center for Yi Studies and Chinese Ancient Philosophy Research Center of Shandong University. Professor Lin is specialized in Confucianism and neo-Confucianism study. He developed various unique views on neo-Confucianism, paid attention to the modern adaptability of Confucianism, and constantly studied the possibility of philosophical therapy. In addition to researches, he spared no efforts to give lectures in colleges. He used both Mandarin and Taiwanese to lecture 《Si Shu》《Jin Gang Jing》《I Ching》《Tao Te Ching》. He devoted himself to the in-depth discussion of inheritance and development of Taiwan's Confucian and Taoism culture. He has a pivotal position in the retention and inheritance of Chinese culture. |