2021 Indigenous Social Science Scholar Award
第二屆(2021年) 思源學者 Winners of 2021 Indigenous Social Science Scholar Award |
黃光國 Kwang-Kuo Hwang |
美國夏威夷大學社會心理學博士,曾任國立臺灣大學心理學系教授、國科會卓越計劃主持人及教育部國家講座教授,自台大心理學系退休後擔任榮譽教授、高雄醫學大學心理系講座教授。 黃光國教授長年耕耘於科學哲學、本土心理學、方法論,並在本土社會心理學扮演承先啟後的角色,於2018年結合各方資源成立思源學會,讓本土學術研究能有更多的空間交流與實踐,並向社會大眾和國際社群介紹最新之學術成果,大力推動華人本土社會科學的永續發展及深度。 著有《人情與面子》、《知識與行動:中華文化傳統的社會心理學詮釋》、《社會科學的理路》、《儒家關係主義:哲學反思、理論建構與實證研究》、《反求諸己:現代社會中的修養》等及中英文論文100多篇,對本土社會科學有著極為重要的貢獻。 |
PhD in Social Psychology, University of Hawaii, Honorary Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Chairperson of the National Science Council Excellence Program, National Lecturer of the Ministry of Education and Lecturer of Department of Psychology, Kaohsiung Medical University. Professor Kwang-Kuo Hwang had been working on scientific philosophy, indigenous psychology, and methodology for many years, and played an important role in inheriting the past and leading to the future in the field of indigenous psychology in Chinese Society. In 2018, he established Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association (CISSA) by combining resources from all parties, so that indigenous academic research can have more space for exchange and practice, and Introduce the latest academic achievements to the general public and the international community, and vigorously promote the sustainable development and depth of indigenous psychology in Chinese Society. He authored " Face and Favor: The Chinese Power Game", "Knowledge and Action: A Social Psychological Interpretation of Chinese Cultural Tradition", "Theory of Social Science", "Confucian Relationism: Philosophical Reflection, Theoretical Construction and Empirical Research", "Reflecting on Others: Cultivation in Modern Society" and more than 100 Chinese and English papers, which have made extremely important contributions to indigenous psychology in Chinese Society. |
葉啟政 Chi-Jeng Yeh |
美國密蘇里大學社會學博士,先後擔任國立政治大學民族社會學系副教授、中國社會學社理事長、台大社會學系教授、台灣大學講座教授、台灣大學講座教授、世新大學社會心理學系講座教授。 葉啟政教授身兼心理,社會兩門學問之大成,是台灣現代社會中,最負盛名的社會學家之一,著有《社會、文化和知識份子》、《台灣社會的人文迷思》及《制度化的社會邏輯》,皆對台灣的社會科學界有著巨大的影響,並翻轉台灣學術代工的困境。 葉啟政教授也鼓勵學者踏出學術的框架,將自身的學術經驗化為實際行動,於台灣社會中實踐與奉獻,無論在學術成就抑或社會革新的勇氣,其精神都值得我們學習、尊敬。 |
Professor Yeh Chi-Jeng earned his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Missouri. He has served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Ethnology and Sociology at National Cheng-Chi University, President of the Chinese Sociological Association, Professor in the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University, Chair Professor at National Taiwan University, and Chair Professor in the Department of Social Psychology at Shih Hsin University. Professor Yeh embodies the integration of psychology and sociology, making him one of the most renowned sociologists in contemporary Taiwanese society. His influential works, such as "Society, Culture, and Intellectuals", "The Cultural Myths of Taiwanese Society", and "The Institutional Logic of Society", have significantly impacted Taiwan's social sciences and have addressed the challenges of Taiwan's academic dependency. Professor Yeh also encourages scholars to step beyond academic boundaries and transform their scholarly experiences into practical actions, contributing to Taiwanese society. His achievements in academia and his courage in social innovation are exemplary, earning our respect and admiration. |
王邦雄 Pang-Hsiung Wang |
臺灣哲學學者,《鵝湖月刊》創辦人之一。畢業於國立臺灣師範大學國文學系,文化大學哲學研究所碩士、博士。曾任北一女中教師、文化大學哲學系、淡江大學中文系所教授、國立中央大學中文系暨哲學研究所所長、鵝湖月刊社社長。 王邦雄教授長年鑽研中國哲學,對儒家文化、老子、莊子皆有深刻的研究,並擅長以具體的生活經驗談論哲學,透過對中國哲學經典的理解來回歸對生命的體悟。除了豐富的著作外,王邦雄教授也積極於民間講學,傳授自身寶貴的經驗,對當代中國哲學思想發展及傳承有著極大的貢獻。 |
Taiwanese philosophy scholar and one of the founders of Legein Monthly. Professor Wang graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan Normal University and holds both a master's and a doctoral degree from the Graduate Institute of Philosophy at Chinese Culture University. He has taught at Taipei First Girls' High School, the Department of Philosophy at Chinese Culture University, and the Department of Chinese Literature at Tamkang University. He also served as the head of the Department of Chinese Literature and the Graduate Institute of Philosophy at National Central University, and as the president of Legein Monthly. Professor Wang has dedicated many years to the study of Chinese philosophy, with profound research on Confucian culture, Laozi, and Zhuangzi. He excels in discussing philosophy through concrete life experiences and seeks to understand life through the lens of Chinese philosophical classics. In addition to his extensive publications, Professor Wang actively engages in public lectures, sharing his valuable insights and contributing significantly to the development and transmission of contemporary Chinese philosophical thought. |
趙金祁 Chih -Chi Chao |
美國俄亥俄州立大學科學教育哲學博士,曾任中華民國教育部政務次長、國立中山大學校長、國立臺灣師範大學理學院長兼科學教育中心主任。 趙金祁教授畢生關注於科學哲學的議題,倡導求知的科學教育理念,是中華民國最早獲得科學教育博士的第一人,是華人本土社會科學的先行者。畢生倡導科學與人文的融合及平衡,與台灣科學教育的發展有極其重要的關係,培育無數科教菁英,也因此被稱為「台灣科學教育之父」。本會謹以思源學者的終身成就獎,紀念趙金祁教授對本土社會科學的貢獻,並將其科教理念繼續垂範於人間。 |
Ph.D. in Science Education from The Ohio State University, USA, professor Chao served as Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of China (Taiwan), President of National Sun Yat-sen University, and Dean of the College of Science and Director of the Science Education Center at National Taiwan Normal University. Professor Chao dedicated his life to the issues of the philosophy of science, advocating for a scientific education grounded in the pursuit of knowledge. He was the first person in the Republic of China to earn a Ph.D. in Science Education and was a pioneer in the field of indigenous social sciences. Throughout his life, he promoted the integration and balance of science and the humanities, playing a crucial role in the development of science education in Taiwan. He nurtured countless science education elites, earning him the title "Father of Science Education in Taiwan." In recognition of his contributions to indigenous social sciences, we proudly present the Indigenous Social Science Scholar Award of Chinese Indigenous Social Science Association to honor Professor Chao legacy and continue to exemplify his educational philosophy. |