第一屆理事長 王智弘教授(2018年10月1日至2021年9月30日)
- 現職:彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系教授兼學生事務長、本土諮商心理學研究發展中心主任、心理健康與諮詢碩士在職專班執行長、中華本土社會科學會輔導理事長、台灣心理諮商資訊網主持人、本土諮商心理學學刊主編、台灣輔導與諮商學會員工協助方案研究委員會主任委員、世界本土諮商心理學推動聯盟主席。
- 經歷: 彰化縣教育處處長、彰化縣家庭中心主任、彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系(所)主任、婚姻與家族治療研究所所長、彰化師範大學研究倫理審查委員會主任委員、彰化師範大學員工協助方案學分學程召集人、中華本土社會科學會理事長、台灣輔導與諮商學會理事長、台灣心靈健康資訊協會理事長、中華心理衛生協會副理事長、諮商心理師公會全國聯合會副理事長、輔導與諮商學報主編、中華輔導與諮商學報主編、台灣心理諮商季刊主編、全球心理衛生E學刊主編、中華心理衛生學刊副主編、中國輔導學會專業倫理委員會主席、諮商心理師公會全國聯合會專業倫理委員會召集人、台灣生涯發展與諮詢學會倫理委員會主任委員、台灣心靈健康資訊協會倫理委員會主席、台灣員工協助專業協會員工協助專業認證委員會主任委員、台灣輔導與諮商學會心理諮商本土化研究委員會主任委員
- 研究興趣與專長: 主要研究方向為諮商倫理、網路諮商、網路成癮、員工協助方案、一次單元諮商模式、研究倫理、本土諮商心理學、本土社會科學。
Chih-Hung Wang, president (1st board, 2018.10.1-2021.9.30.)
Current post: Professor of the Department of Counseling and Counseling, National Changhua University of Education(NCUE); director of Center for Indigenous Counseling Psychology of NCUE; credit convener of the Taiwan Mental Health Informatics Association; Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Counseling Psychology, Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Counselling and Counseling, Chairman of the Professional Ethics Committee of the Taiwan Counseling and Counseling Society, Chairman of the Taiwan Counseling and Counseling Society's Psychological Counseling Localization Research Committee, and member of the World Counseling Psychology Chairman of the Alliance and Chairman of the Chinese Society of Social Sciences.
Education: Ph.D., Department of Counseling and Counseling, Changhua Normal University
Experience: Director-General of Department of Education, Changhua County Goverment, Director of the Department of Counseling and Counseling, National Changhua University of Education(NCUE); Director of the Institute of Marriage and Family Therapy; Chairman of the Research Ethics Committee of NCUE; Editor-in-Chief of the Archive of Guidance and Counseling; Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling; Editor-in-Chief of the Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, Editor-in-Chief of the Global Mental Health E-Journal; Chairman of the Professional Ethics Committee of the Chinese Guidance Association, Convenor of the Professional Ethics Committee of the Taiwan Counseling Psychologist Union, Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the Taiwan Career Development and Consultation Association; Chairman of the Ethics Committee of Taiwan Mental Health Informatics Association; President of the Taiwan Guidance and Counseling Association: President of Taiwan Mental Health Informatics Association.
Research interests and expertise: counseling ethics, online counseling, internet addiction, employee assistance programs, Single Session Counseling Model, research ethics, indigenous counseling psychology, and indigenous social science.
For more details about the research, please refer to the website:
第一屆理事長 越建東教授(2021年10月1日至2022年9月30日)
- 現職: 中山大學哲學研究所教授
- 學歷: 1999:英國布里斯托大學(University of Bristol)神學與宗教研究所碩士 2004:英國布里斯托大學(University of Bristol)神學與宗教研究所佛學研究博士
- 經歷: 輔仁大學全人教育中心兼任助理教授, 輔仁大學宗教系兼任助理教授, 國立台灣大學哲學系兼任助理教授, 通識教育中心人文與社會科學教育組專任副教授。
- 研究興趣與專長: 印度佛教哲學、佛教經典語言(梵語、巴利語、佛典古漢語)、禪修學、心識論、科學與宗教之對話。
Kin-Tung Yit, president (1st board, 2021.10.1-2022.9.30.)
Current post: Associate Professor, Institute of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University
Education: 1999: Master of Theology and Religion, University of Bristol, UK 2004: Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies, University of Bristol, Theology and Religion
Experience: Adjunct Assistant Professor at Fu Jen University's Holistic Education Center, Adjunct Assistant Professor at Fu Jen University's Department of Religion, Adjunct Assistant Professor at Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, and Full-time Associate Professor at the Humanities and Social Sciences Education Group of the Center for General Education.
Research interests and specialties: Indian Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist classic languages (Sanskrit, Pali, Buddhist Classical Chinese), meditation, psychology, dialogue between science and religion.
For more details about the research, please refer to the website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kin-Yit